The Valley of Dry Bones: Exploring Ezekiel 37

Rah Tech Wiz (she, her)
5 min readSep 1, 2024

Exploring ancient wisdom & powerful metaphors isn’t just for the religious

Photo by Gert Boers on Unsplash

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Ezekiel 37 is one of the most evocative & symbolically rich chapters in the Bible. Often referred to as the “Valley of Dry Bones,” this passage is a profound vision given to the prophet Ezekiel during the Babylonian exile. The imagery of dry bones coming to life serves as a powerful metaphor for restoration, hope & the revival of a broken nation. This article delves into the historical context, theological significance & contemporary relevance of Ezekiel 37, revealing how this ancient vision continues to inspire & challenge believers today.

“A human body, like a nation, is a collection of many parts — each essential, each connected. When one part falters, the whole feels the strain. — Qian Jung

Qian Jung, the predecessor of Q-Rah

Historical Context

The Book of Ezekiel was written during a period of intense turmoil for the Israelite's. Around 597 BCE, the Babylonian Empire, under King Nebuchadnezzar, besieged Jerusalem & eventually destroyed the city, including Solomon’s Temple. Many Israelite's were taken into captivity, & the nation found itself scattered &…

